
Information on dividends paid to Shareholders for 2021

In accordance with the Regulation "On Dividend Policy" of the Company and decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders from June 29, 2022 UZS 12,866,000,000  were allocated (retained part of retained earnings for 2020 in the amount of 1,346,091,022.96 UZS and the amount of capitalization in the share capital, amount of 11,519,908,977.04 soums) for capitalization in the share capital by issuing 12,222,700 shares at a price of 1,000 soums, subject to 5% tax deductions, and was distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares held.

Information on dividends paid to Shareholders for 2022

89.7% of UzMRC's net profit in amount of UZS 24137502630,30 received by the results of 2022  directed to increase share capital of JSC UzMRC through issuance of additional shares in accordance with the Regulation "on Dividend Policy" of UzMRC (5% including tax payments) transferred UZS 21650000000.0). Moreover, 20,567,500 shares with nominal value of UZS 1,000 were distributed among Shareholders in proportion to their ownership shares.

Information on dividends paid to Shareholders for 2023

86.69% of UzMRC's net profit in amount of UZS 26 927 269 218,00 received by the results of 2023 directed to increase share capital of JSC UzMRC through issuance of additional shares in accordance with the "Dividend Policy" of UzMRC (5% including tax payments). Moreover, 25 580 825 shares with nominal value of UZS 1,000 were distributed among Shareholders in proportion to their ownership shares.