According to the Article 63 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On joint-stock companies and protection of shareholders' rights” shareholders (shareholder) holding at least one percent of all voting shares of the company no later than thirty days after the end of the financial year. The annual general meeting of shareholders has the right to include issues on the agenda and nominate candidates to the Supervisory Board and Audit Commission (auditor) of the company in no more than the quota of this body, and in accordance with Article 8.3 of the Charter of JSC “UzMRC” shareholders with a percentage of entitled to work, Shareholders holding at least one percent of all voting shares of the company have the right to make proposals on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders on the distribution of net profit, nomination of a candidate for membership in the governing body (with the possibility of replacement before the general meeting).

These proposals should be submitted no later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. Also, in accordance with Article 9.4 of the Charter of JSC “UzMRC” the number of members of the Supervisory Board of the company is set at 7 (including the Chairman of the Supervisory Board).

Based on the above, the Supervisory Board of JSC “UzMRC” was approved by the AGM of Shareholders on June 27, 2024 as follows:

Members of the Supervisory Board of JSC “UzMRC”

Workplace, position

Workplace in another organization


Karshibaev Jasur Khazratkulovich

Deputy of Minister of Economy and finance Republic of Uzbekistan

Chairman of the Board 


Irgashev Xamid Djumaevich

Associate professor of Accounting and Finance at Hult international Business School (UK)

Independent Board member  


Kokularupan Narayanasamy

Independent Consultant (Malaysia)

Independent Board member  


Tsedendorj Enkhbayar

Deputy head of the group, Ltd «New Urbanism» (Mongolia)

Independent Board member  


Zulfukorov Djurabek Ismailovich

Advisor of Chairman of the Board, JSCMB «Ipotekabank»

Board member


Xudayberganov Ilkhom Nemtullaevich

Director of Financial Resources Management, JSCMB «Business development bank»

Board member


Mamajonov Iqboljon Ikromovich

Head of the retail block, JSC «National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan» 

Board member