18 May 2021
Notification of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC "Uzbekistan Mortgage Refinancing Company" will be held on June 10, 2021 online via Microsoft Teams https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjE5YmI0MDEtNzE0MC00NjMyLTkyNDMtNDU3MmUwZjhhNThh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221c819762-433d-4d3f-8b48-7b021bd32d7d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22622146ac-e83e-4008-80bd-16c511550965%22%7d Shareholder registration starts at 14:00. The annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company starts at 15:00. The date of drawing up the register of shareholders of the company for holding the general meeting of shareholders is June 4, 2021. Agenda:
- Approval of the composition of the members of the Counting Commission of the Company and the term of their powers;
- Approval of the regulations for holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company;
- Approval of the annual report of the Company based on the results of activities for 2020;
- Hearing the report of the Supervisory Board of the Company for 2020;
- Hearing the report of the Audit Commission of the Company for 2020;
- Approval of the Audit Organization to conduct an external audit of the financial and economic activities of the Company and the reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS for the results of 2021 and the amount of its maximum remuneration.
- Consideration of the results of the independent assessment of the corporate governance system.
- Distribution of the net profit of the Company based on the results of 2020;
- Election of members of the Audit Commission of the Company;
- Election of members of the Supervisory Board of the Company;
- On approval of transactions with affiliates of JSC "Uzbekistan Mortgage Refinancing Company" related to the current business activities of the company;
- On approval of amendments to the provisions "On the General Meeting of Shareholders", "On the Supervisory Board" and an addition to the Corporate Governance Code;
When registering to participate in the meeting, a shareholder must have a passport or other document replacing it in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and a representative of the shareholder, in addition - a duly executed power of attorney. · Shareholders may review the materials to be considered at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders from the date of publication of this announcement at the following address: Tashkent, A. Timur Avenue 107-B, International Business Center, Office 14A, on business days from 10:00 to 18:00 until the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders. · Tel: 78 148 30 00 (115) E-mail: Sarvar.abdullaev@uzmrc.uz
AGM Notifications
Other news

The Company is 5 years old!

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