26 May 2024
The Company and the Republic Stock Exchange (RFB) have set out future collaboration plans.
The Company and the Republic Stock Exchange (RFB) have set out future collaboration plans.

The Company and the Republic Stock Exchange (RFB) (https://www.uzse.uz/?locale=uz) have set out future collaboration plans.
Yesterday, at the initiative of Giorgi Paresishvili, Chairman of the ""Tashkent"" Stock Exchange (RFB) (https://www.uzse.uz/abouts/management), a meeting was held with representatives of the Company and RFB.
During the meeting, Giorgi Paresishvili highly praised the Company’s work on developing the local capital market, particularly the successful placement of 140 billion soums of corporate bonds issued in a closed format in 2023, and the recognition of the Company’s corporate bonds as high-liquidity assets, similar to Government Securities by the Central Bank (https://lex.uz/uz/pdfs/6791678). He also noted that the RFB supports the Company’s activities and proposed continued collaboration.

At the end of the meeting, the future cooperation path was determined. The main focus will be on the opportunity to sell the Company’s bonds at open auctions."
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