03 April 2024
"Investment Fund for Development of Agriculture of Uzbekistan and Decorative Company" (Company) "Institute of Macroeconomic and Regional Research" (IMRI) and other relevant information.
The company's Head of Products, Ulugbek Iskandarov, participated in a roundtable discussion organized by the MHTI on the report "Uzbek Real Estate and Mortgage Market".
During his speech, Ulugbek Iskandarov noted that two factors can help prevent the "heating" of prices in the housing market and ensure the continuation of various affordable mortgage products in the mortgage market. "One of these is the improvement of state mortgage programs, and the second is the development of the legal framework and infrastructure of the capital market," says U. Iskandarov.

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The Company is 5 years old!

The Company welcomed the independent members of the Supervisory Board, who visited Uzbekistan for the first time.

The Company is actively advancing its cooperation with international financial organizations.