01 April 2024
As part of the national project ""Green Space,"" a tree-planting campaign was organized.
As part of the national project ""Green Space,"" a tree-planting campaign was organized.

As part of the national project ""Green Space,"" a tree-planting campaign was organized.
Recently, the team from JSC ""Uzbekistan Mortgage Refinancing Company"" participated in a tree-planting campaign under the framework of the ""Green Space"" national project.
In this event, special attention was given to one of the priority tasks set by our country's leader for this project—planting tree seedlings along roadsides. In cooperation with the Tashkent city and Yashnobod district administrations, ornamental tree seedlings were planted along the roadside of Maxtumquli Street in our capital.
This, in turn, helps provide clean air for the population and future generations.
Going forward, the Company has committed to regularly organizing similar events aimed at environmental protection."

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