10 July 2024



Regarding the Placement of Corporate Bonds:

The "Uzbekistan Mortgage Refinancing Company" JSC announces the placement of its second issuance of Corporate Bonds on July 10 of this year.

The bonds will be placed on the over-the-counter securities market through a private subscription method. This will be done by directly concluding agreements between the issuer and “Azerbaijan Uzbek Investment” JV LLC, as well as several commercial banks (“Turonbank” JSCB, “Ozsanoatqurilishbank” JSCB, “UzMilliyBank” JSC, “Xalq Bank” JSCB, “Hamkorbank” JSCB, and “APEX Bank” JSC) and insurance companies (“Uzbekinvest” JSC and “Uzagrosugurta” JSC).

It is particularly noteworthy that the attractiveness of the Company's corporate bonds, as well as their inclusion in the list of High Liquidity Assets by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, has attracted significant interest not only from commercial banks but also from insurance companies and international organizations such as the Azerbaijan Investment Fund."